The Detroit Bar Association Foundation
The Detroit Bar Association Foundation is a recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Its mission is:
To improve and facilitate the administration of justice in Detroit and throughout the State of Michigan;
- To facilitate programs that help meet the legal needs of the under-served community in Detroit and to ensure to the fullest extent possible that legal services are available to all members of the public without regard to race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, veteran status or economic circumstances and without regard to any additional characteristic that may, from time to time, be protected from discrimination by law;
- To provide educational opportunities for the public regarding their legal rights and responsibilities as well as other subjects related to the law and justice system; and
- To foster and maintain the reputation, honor and integrity of the profession of law.
Among the programs conducted by the Foundation are the Detroit Legal Services Clinic, and the School Partnership Program (with the Detroit Bar Barristers Section)
Foundation Trustees
- Ray Carey, Co-Chair
- James Rosenfeld, Co-Chair
- Eric Abramson
- Thomas Bishoff
- Michael Butler
- Bill Colovos
- Sarah Cylkowski
- Daniel Dulworth
- Zenna Elhasan
- Todd Flood
- Donn Fresard
- Hon. Patricia Perez Fresard
- Michael Gruskin
- Luis Gomez
- Ven Johnson
- Michelle Johnson Tidjani
- Brian McKeen
- Christopher A. Merritt
- Bre Mills
- Robert Murkowski
- Michael Ossy
- Eric Poe
- Hon. Lita Popke
- John Rhoades
- Lisa Screen
- Scott Seabolt
- John Sier
- Jon Sriro
- Tiffany Ellis, DBA President
- Roger Meyers, DBA President-Elect
- Stefanie Reagan, DBA Secretary-Treasurer
- Zenell Brown, DBA Past President
- Tracey Cooley, Executive Director
Support Programs
To support the Foundation’s Access to Justice program, the School Partnership Program and Law Day, you can make a donation here to the Detroit Bar Association Foundation.
For Michigan attorneys, your donation can satisfy the State Bar’s pro bono commitment.